Happened between the 9th and 14th of August the third Zimba Marimba Summer Camp in Varberg-Sweden. A great event that brought together students, teachers and supporters of African music from around the world: Iceland, South Africa, Gambia, Guinea, United States, among others. Teachers and students from Hafralækjarskoli, Husavik and Akureyri participated. The camp was organized by Peta Axelson, mentor and director of the group of marimbas Zimba Marimba and Anna Forsvall Lundmark. Excellent workshops with masters of African music and dance: Sabar drums, Zimababwe dance, African marimba and djembe. We, the Hafralaekjarskóli teachers only have to thank for the great opportunity to meet so special people and having great moments where everyone, no matter where they come from, they had a common goal: learning and sharing. Moments like those remind us of how the world should be. Thanks Peta and friends!
Sousou Cissoko: one of the rare female Kora player in the world.
Max Soumah: brilliant dancer from Guinea Conakry, West Africa.
Baboucar Camara: master of sabar drumming from Njawara.
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