In October, the marimba players from Hafralækjarskóli were scheduled to play on the opening of one of the concerts of Sinfoníu Norðurlands. This was a very special day, the orchestra played the Sergei Prokofiev´s masterpiece "Peter and the Wolf (Pétur og Úlfurinn in icelandic)". For those who do not know, this is a story for children spoken by a narrator and accompanied by the orchestra. Both text and music were Prokofiev criation. This was a great moment were kids from different schools enjoyed the fun and the learning about music.
The marimba players perfomed 6 songs, and you can check 5 of them down bellow.
The marimba players perfomed 6 songs, and you can check 5 of them down bellow.
We would like to thanx all staff of Hof, Tónlistarskóli Akureyri, Magna from Sinfoníu Norðurlands, and also all the amazing students!
Kyle´s Song
Kyle´s Song
Buya Africa