24 November 2010

Marimbas and "Pétur og Úlfurinn" concert.

In October, the marimba players from Hafralækjarskóli were scheduled to play on the opening of one of the concerts of Sinfoníu Norðurlands. This was a very special day, the orchestra played the Sergei Prokofiev´s masterpiece "Peter and the Wolf (Pétur og Úlfurinn in icelandic)". For those who do not know, this is a story for children spoken by a narrator and accompanied by the orchestra. Both text and music were Prokofiev criation. This was a great moment were kids from different schools enjoyed the fun and the learning about music.
The marimba players perfomed 6 songs, and you can check 5 of them down bellow.

We would like to thanx  all staff of Hof, Tónlistarskóli Akureyri, Magna from Sinfoníu Norðurlands, and also all the amazing students!

Kyle´s Song



Buya Africa